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The Truth about Heaven and Hell - You didn't know?

This video is for everyone to see....

All your friends on facebook, google+, etc might be saved... or not. Regardless of that, you need to share this video with them. The end is very close. Almost here.

Here's some thoughts gotten from the video
1. Satan does not rule hell. God rules Heaven and hell, and everything else. 
2. I, and other believers [or unbelievers] cannot judge you. But God will. His judgment is righteous and just. 3. God's judgment has rewards. The reward for believers: Eternal life with God :) . The reward for unbelievers: Hell.

Revelation 14:1-20
Mark Driscoll - What You Don't Want to Hear about Heaven and Hell

Remember, if I and everyone else is telling a lie or being dumb, we have nothing to lose and really nothing to gain. But if we are telling the truth (and I know we are without a doubt), you have everything to lose.

Here's the truth, I'd rather "waste my life" in vain serving Jesus and die for nothing, than not to serve Him and lose everything worth something for eternity. I'll even serve Jesus if there was no reward. But there is, here on earth, and in Heaven.

Remember, when you die, there is no more opportunity for salvation. Here on earth, while you are living is your last chance. You know this now. Don't waste your life and live it in vain. Accept Jesus now. Please.

Pastor Mark - Heaven and Hell are real still

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